Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Frog-march Watch

Picture credit: http://pharyngula.org
Excel web sharing - spreadsheet collaboration over the Internet made easy with BadBlueLeon at RedState neatly ties together the loose ends (hat tip: Ms. Malkin):

  • Wilson lied about how he got to Niger

  • Wilson lied about seeing a report that didn't exist at the time

  • Wilson lied about the conclusions of his own report

  • Wilson lied about what the administration had been told

  • ...[And] in the course of attempting to discredit the ludicrously false claims, someone in the White House (presumably Rove) told the press that Wilson was sent to Niger on dubious premises in the first place (the recommendation of his wife), without giving the name of Wilson's wife, which Rove apparently did not know.

    When this story first broke on the scene, I thought that Rove should properly be banished from the administration team, despite the fact that even at that time it was pretty clear that no crime took place. However, given the serial and politically motivated lies of Wilson and Plame, it's clear that the fairy tale the liberals have constructed in which Plame was the heroic CIA agent unjustly outed by Arch-Demon Karl Rove is totally and completely false - and I won't be shedding any more tears about either of their fates.

    That being said, if Rove violated any laws, he should prosecuted fully and completely. But I wouldn't look for him to be frog-marched out of the White House anytime soon. We still don't know who told Novak about Plame.


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