Friday, October 14, 2005

The Egyptian liberals and the American conservatives

Ancient Egypt The Gateway Pundit points us to this exceptional post on the Freedom for Egyptions blog, which is entitled, "The Egyptian liberals and the American conservatives."

Recently, I had a discussion with a friend of mine who claims to be a liberal Egyptian on the Iraq war. In a separate coincidence, I had another meeting with another friend who also claims to be also liberal on the same topic.

Egyptian liberals are quite divided on the war in Iraq. Or it could be that the war on Iraq demonstrated sharply two streams of liberals in Egypt...

After reading this exceptional post, GatewayPundit further ponders an intriguing set of questions:

A few questions came to mind while reading this great posting:

* What happened to American Liberals?
* If American Conservatives stand as Freedom Fighters what do the liberals stand for today?
* How can a person say he or she believes in freedom and democracy but is unwilling to sacrifice?
* What is the American liberal strategy to freeing people enslaved in a brutal regime?
* How can one say they are for Human Rights and yet turn their back as mass graves are being filled to overflowing?
* How can one who believes in Human Rights equate dismemberment to hazing techniques?

And, to my Egyptian friends...

* Please name one international leader who consistently stated that their were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq "before" the War in Iraq began. Just one... (and Saddam Hussein does not count!)
* What are you being told about America that would have you not trust American intentions today?
* Does anyone give America credit for the great sacrifice in life and money that our country is giving Iraq and the region today?
* Why is there not greater outrage in the Middle East against the killers of innocent Iraqis?


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