Monday, November 14, 2005

Rockefeller & Wallace

How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann CoulterThis weekend, Jay Rockefeller -- a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence during the march to war -- appeared on an interview show with Chris Wallace. His attempts to hold the "Bush lied" party line were, as you might expect, laughable.

WALLACE: ...You didn't get the Presidential Daily Brief or the Senior Executive Intelligence Brief. You got the National Intelligence Estimate. But the Silberman Commission, a Presidential commission that looked into this, did get copies of those briefs, and they say that they were, if anything, even more alarmist, even less nuanced than the intelligence you saw, and yet you, not the President, said that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat...

SEN. ROCKEFELLER: I don't know, because I never get to see, nor does Pat, the Presidential Daily Brief...

WALLACE: But you voted, sir, and aren't you responsible for your vote?


WALLACE: You're not?

SEN. ROCKEFELLER: No. I'm responsible for my vote, but I'd appreciate it if you'd get serious about this subject...

John at Powerline captions this exchange perfectly: "A pathetic performance by Rockefeller, but the fact is that the Dems' theory makes no sense, and can't withstand scrutiny by any well-informed observer."

Not Ready for Prime Time


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