Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Senator Blabbermouth

Betsy Newmark calls out several Democrat bigwigs who can't seem to keep classified info from the press. She notes Harry Reid blabbing on TV about a topic of some importance:

He had been informed just that day that Osama bin Laden was killed in the giant Pakistan earthquake last month... Might it not be possible that we would want to keep that information secret for a whole host of reasons? We could have sources or methods of gathering information that we're protecting.

And let's not forget one Sandy Berger, he of the Top Secret documents stuffed in his pants. Who, if memory serves, pled guilty to ripping off and destroying classified material. In return, he was granted a penalty consisting of, I think, four laps in the pool and ten situps.

I suspect any normal person convicted of this same offense would be serving time in a federal correctional facility. In cell block D. With a couple o' cell-mates named Bubba and Bobby Jo. And would be busy constructing a shiv with some matches, a razor, and an old toothbrush.


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