Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Mediacrats: "We're Gullible Pawns"

In light of the mediacrats' ludicrous assertions that President Bush "lied" to Congress, Major E writes to the PowerLine bloggers:

I served as a WMD analyst working directly with the national WMD experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory during the run-up to the Iraq War.

Based on that experience, I can assure you that the intelligence community told the Bush Administration that Saddam did indeed have active WMD programs. If people disagree with Bush's policy and want to argue that we would be better off if Saddam's tyranny still ruled the day and that the votes of the 10 million Iraqi Shia, Sunni, and Kurds who accepted a constitution for a new, democratic Iraq do not really mean that much after all then, fine, let's debate that. But the "lies and deception" smear campaign against the President is completely without merit.

Read between the lines: the mediacrats are telling the world that they're gullible pawns, which should disqualify them from, say, a mayorship in a mid-sized city. And, it goes without saying: if they're that easily hypnotized, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the helm of international diplomacy. They're likely to get 'confused'.

(submitted to Wizbang's Carnival of Trackbacks)


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