Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oh, the humanity

The indispensible James Taranto notes that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is going broke:

"The [PA], the largest employer in the territories, is facing a fiscal crisis that could result, as early as next month, in it being unable to pay the salaries of its 130,000-plus officials and security staff, Nigel Roberts, the World Bank's man in the West Bank and Gaza Strip," tells Ha'aretz:

The five years he has spent in the World Bank's offices in the A-Ram neighborhood, on the northern border of Jerusalem, have been the worst years for the Palestinians and their Israeli neighbors since the occupation. Roberts warns that if all of the parties involved do not act more courageously, the worst of all may be yet to come. He says he is returning to the World Bank's headquarters in Washington, D.C. with major concerns.

To put it simply: The PA is on the verge of functional bankruptcy.

So an organization whose leaders are devoted to feathering their own nests and to committing violence against the only country in the region that has a functioning economy is in bad financial shape. Imagine that.


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