Sunday, August 10, 2008

Larwyn's Links: Why oh why did we kick Hillary to the curb?

Editor's Note: Larwyn is in the process of moving, but I was able to connect with Larwyn's spiritual aura (hat tip: Rielle Hunter) to produce the following links.

Jammie Wearing Fool: Key players at the Democratic National Convention: A radical Islamist and Jeremiah Wright in a skirt.

Pajamas Media: The mainstream media and Democratic pundits (but I repeat myself) are publicly fretting over kicking the Clintons to the curb and nominating a man with “tissue thin” record.

Gateway Pundit: Its two... two... two citizenships in one!

Macsmind: The fact is... the mainstream media hid the Edwards affair. And Instapundit (via Vanderleun) asks the critical question appropos of Eason Jordan: So now that we know that the press covered for Edwards -- just as, pre-invasion, they covered for Saddam -- that raises a question: What else are they not telling us for fear it will hurt the Democrats' prospects?

Astute Bloggers: This is not a media that cares about the American people being informed; this is a media that only wants to manipulate the people and the way the people vote towards its own (outdated, bankrupt) ideology.

Charlie Foxtrot: Chokin' Hope.


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