Monday, August 11, 2008

The Edwards Interview: what was left on the cutting-room floor

Mondoreb at DBKP has been all over the Edwards story from the outset. Mondo discovered that not only was the mainstream media covering for Edwards all along, but even now ABC left some critical interview footage on the cutting-room floor.

The key links of interest:

Blogger News Net: What the public didn’t see were the parts of Edwards’ interview with Bob Woodruff that ended up on the editing room floor. DBKP took a look at the ABC Nightline transcript and found an interesting tidbit sliced and diced by ABC: Edwards claims the photo of him purportedly holding Hunter’s baby released in the Enquirer August 6 issue is a fake...

WOODRUFF: And that picture is absolutely you and you are holding that baby.

EDWARDS: The picture in the tabloid. I have no idea what that picture is.

WOODRUFF: But you’ve seen it right?

EDWARDS: I did see it and I cannot make any sense out of that. When I went to this meeting you’ve already asked me about, uh, I was not wearing a t-shirt, I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I don’t know who that picture — I don’t know if that picture is me, it could well be, it looks like me. I don’t know who that baby is, I have no idea what that picture is.

WOODRUFF: But are you saying you don’t remember holding that child of Miss Hunter?

EDWARDS: I’m saying you asked me about this photograph, I don’t know anything about that photograph, I don’t know who that baby is. I don’t know if the picture has been altered, manufactured, if it’s a picture of me taken some other time, holding another baby — I have no idea. I was not at this meeting holding a child for my photograph to be taken I can tell you that.

WOODRUFF: You did say you did meet her at a hotel in California.

EDWARDS: She was there, Mr. McGovern was present, and that’s where the meeting took place.

WOODRUFF: But you don’t remember a baby being there?


In related news, Celebrity Cafe quotes author Jay McInerney, for whom Rielle Hunter was both a lover and literary inspiration. McInerney says Edwards’s apology was “half-assed.” ... "To say that he slept with her but he wasn't in love with her - that's not very chivalrous. He's trying to distance himself from her.”

And at Blogger News Net: Was John Edwards the “99% honest” man on Friday? At DBKP, we noticed one falsehood almost immediately, which was confirmed the next day. John Edwards said that his affair with Rielle Hunter ended in 2006. He said it three times in his statement: it must have been an important point... It was–and is. It allows Edwards to claim he is not the father of Frances Quinn Hunter. We weren’t the only ones who noticed that point...


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