Monday, August 11, 2008

The staunch and unshakable positions of the American left

There is a country that is currently waging a war for oil.

And where stand the anti-war Democrats? ANSWER? Code Pink? Democracy Now? Peace Action? Stop the War Coalition? Indymedia? NoWar?

Did you hear those crickets?

There is a country utterly destroying the environment, responsible for 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities and which has admitted nearly a half million deaths a year from smog alone.

Where are the environmentally conscious, anti-drilling Democrats concerned with global warming? The National Resources Defense Council? The Sierra Club? The Green Cross? Conservation International? Earth First? Earthjustice? Earthwatch?

I'm pretty sure those soft rustling sounds were some bindles of tumbleweed rolling through town.

If you needed cold, hard proof that today's hard left has pegged the needle on hypocrisy, well, I think you have it.*

*Note that conservatives never have to resort to sex scandals, a practice in which the opposition revels (consider Newt Gingrich, Larry Craig and Bob Packwood).


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