Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey, two can play the Photoshop game, Jill Greenberg!

To make up for the Greenberg fiasco, The Atlantic reissued its cover this month according to Junior Cub Reporter (Level IV) Biff Spackle.

She's a looker, alright. And if the photographer got herself fixed up a bit, she'd be okay too.

Vanderleun adds (via Larwyn):


"The Vaughan Hannigan photo agency, which has represented the disgraced, excrement-obsessed photoshopper Jill Greenberg, has just dropped her from its client list." - Jeffrey Goldberg @ The Atlantic

Elsewhere, the brilliant and ethical Mark Tucker ["I'm a full-on Obama supporter; I'm a commercial photographer..."] has the real motivation all figured out: What I've Learned from this Greenberg/McCain fiasco

Maybe this was some back-room plot, planned months in advance, to move her out of the doldrums of commercial photography, and into the glamorous world of Fine Art...

This issue's a keeper.


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