Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thought Experiment o' the Day

Did you catch Sarah Palin's latest gaffe? Check out the screen-cap I grabbed from Faux News, knowing full well the Rethuglicans would pull it down!

Gawd, how embarrassing!

She has, like, no experience! Versus Obama, who has, like, way more executive experience! Way more!

What? Dude! No Way!

You say it was Biden, and not Palin who screwed up?

And Biden just contradicted Obama on whether they support clean coal?

And Biden just contradicted Obama on whether they support the AIG bailout?

And Biden just did his best impression of Hillary Clinton when he told a harrowing tale of snipers forcing his chopper down in Duke Nukem, Level Six?

* * *

Thought experiment: care to imagine the reaction of Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric, the New York Times and Keith Olberdunce if Palin had pulled any of these classic Biden blunders?


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