Thursday, October 2, 2008

Worst Congress Ever. Donate now.

These past two years we've seen the most disfunctional, unpopular and irresponsible Congress in our lifetime. The Worst. Congress. Ever.

For the first time in US history this Democratic-led bunch abandoned our men and women in uniform on the battlefield by voting against funding war operations. They voted to lose a war.... Damn the consequences.

We've also seen gas prices more than double and the economy collapse as Democrats continue to offer no answers and no relief! We've seen Democratic politicians caught in scandal after scandal. We've also seen the Democratic leaders turn their heads the other way.

And, just this week we heard the most vile speech by a House Speaker we have ever witnessed in our country's history...

Therefore, I'm joining Ace of Spades HQ, Atlas Shrugs, Conservatives With Attitude, Gateway Pundit, Moonbattery, PoliPundit, Power Line, Redstate, Right Wing News, & Wizbang! to help raise money for worthy candidates in the last month of the campaign.

Gateway Pundit has more on the rationale and the slate we're supporting. Suffice it to say that you can make a difference. Any donation, no matter how small (even a dollar), can help kick the assclown to the curb.


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