Thursday, November 10, 2005

Election Results

The voters in Virginia and New Jersey elected two Democratic Governors to replace two other Democratic Governors in their states. This, true to form for the Mediacrats, was positioned as a stunning rebuke for the GOP. Here's Al-Reuters, revelling in victory (the headline "Democrats sweep Virginia, New Jersey races" is endemic, celebrating a grand 'sweep' consisting of exactly two states):

Democrats swept tough and sometimes nasty governors' races in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, dealing a setback to Republicans and President George W. Bush ahead of critical congressional elections next year...

...The outcome in conservative, Republican-leaning Virginia was a particularly bad blow for Bush, who stopped there on election eve for a get-out-the-vote rally with Kilgore.

Meanwhile, back in the little town I like to call Reality-ville, however, PoliPundit astutely notes that:

...the results in Virginia and New Jersey aren’t very indicative of what will happen in 2006. Democrats won both these states in 2001 - when President Bush was at the height of his popularity - but Republicans still won the 2002 midterms...

Uhm, yeah. Maybe the mediacrats forgot about that part.

In what may have truly been the day's most pivotal decision, Ohio voters pulverized State Issues 2, 3, 4, or 5 (or, as I like to call them, the Ohio-Voter-Fraud Acts of '05):

...[in] Ohio, voters rejected a package of Democrat attempts to subvert the election process.

The group calling itself “Reform Ohio Now” was essentially a Liberal Stalking Horse, attempting to radically alter the process in Ohio, following the 2004 election. Four issues were set before the voters, ostensibly to improve the process, but in fact they would have taken much from the public, and put it into the hands of a few elitists...

Issue 2 was a measure to expand absentee voting, which sounds good on its face, but this would allow voting by mail. That’s right, not only no photo ID or confirmation that the voter was eligible to vote, but no confirmation at all that the voter even existed... 63% of Ohioans decided they didn’t want to help people commit voter fraud.

Issue 3 would have lowered limits on political donations not only from individuals, but also from PACs (which exist specifically to fund campaigns), “donor action committees”, or even from local, state, or national political parties. Essentially, this would have prevented competitive campaigning by anyone but the rich and the pre-financed, creating an absurd advantage for incumbents. This went down in flames as well.

Issue 4 would have removed redistricting power from elected officials, and put it instead into the hands of a five-member appointed commission. This is plainly contrary to the spirit of all existing constitutions, both Ohio’s and that of the United States. It also raises the obvious question of who and what would influence men who were not accountable for their decisions... A full 70% of Ohio voters decided they wanted elected officials to be making those choices.

And finally, Issue 5 would have further usurped power from elected officials, turning over the administration of elections to that same appointed commission, answerable only to their personal agenda. I don’t know about you, but the idea that the rules, boundaries, procedures, and review of elections being controlled by a few unelected men who don’t answer to anybody, just screams ‘Politburo’ to me. And 70% of Ohio’s voters thought the same.

How this could have been ignored by the national media is nearly as vexing a question as whether Michael Moore has three chins or four.

Update: similar sentiments over at NewsBusters.


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