Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mediacrats: Proudly Undermining America Since 1968!

There are times when you read the first few lines of an op-ed column and you just know it's gonna be good . That applies to Richard Cohen's latest, which begins with a kiss and a promise of things to come:

"[T]he unhinged right wing has now invented the myth that Democratic members of Congress have called President Bush 'a liar' about Iraq. An extensive computer search by myself and a Post researcher can come up with no such accusation. That's prudent. After all, it's not clear if Bush lied about Iraq or was merely the 'useful idiot' of those who did. . .

That's the spirit! Terming the President an idiot during war-time certainly strikes me as supportive of the commander-in-chief and, by extension, the troops. But the central thesis of Cohen's rambling jaunt -- that no Democratic leaders called the President Bush a 'liar' -- is fascinating.

Let's use a brand-spanking new tool called "Google", which I've heard can help us research the assertions of off-the-deep-end mediacrats like Mapes, Cohen, Teepen, Pitts, and company.

Here's Ted Kennedy: "There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud."

Here's Harry Reid (D-NV): "We all know the Vice President's office was the nerve center of an operation designed to sell the war and discredit those who challenged it... The manipulation of intelligence to sell the war in Iraq... the Vice President is behind that."

Here's Dick Durbin (D-IL): "I seconded the motion Sen. Harry Reid made last week. Republicans in Congress have refused, despite repeated promises, to investigate the Bush administration's misuse of pre-war intelligence, so Senate Democrats are standing up and demanding the truth."

Here's Jay Rockefeller (D-WV): "The American people still want to know - now more than ever - why the United States went to war, whether they were misled, and whether our intelligence was misused."

And here's Bob Edgar (D-PA, ret) claiming he has proof Bush lied (great proof, too!).

And, as an added bonus, here's Ted Kennedy: "The Bush administration misrepresented and distorted the intelligence to justify a war that America should never have fought."

Richard Cohen -- typical of the mediacrats, whose institutions are fading faster than my holiday tan -- is as intellectually bankrupt as they come. Not only has the entire Democratic leadership pounced on the "Bush lied" meme, they've done so proudly. That Cohen is too bull-headed or biased to see it is typical... but not surprising.


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