Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Party of Retreat

Unfit for CommandThe unequalled John O'Neill takes his stand against the surrender crew. Slake your thirst at the chalice of wisdom and read the whole thing.

The Democratic Party (notwithstanding its cynical expressions of concern for the same troops it periodically seeks to label as engaged in widespread crime) is regarded with intense distrust by many active duty and retired military personnel.They have been Kerried once too often. It was once the majority party that stopped the Nazis, Fascists, and North Koreans and that in words of a far different Kennedy summoned us “to fight any battle” for freedom.

Sadly, the party of Henry Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt has become the party of retreat — from the Iranian Hostage Crisis to the retreat from Mogadishu; to opposition to the 1991 Gulf War; to the failure to avenge the 1993 World Trade Center bombing or the USS Cole bombing or the murder of our own troops and embassy personnel around the world. Indeed, this past Thursday night, the nation watched the bizarre spectacle of a Democratic Party speaking in favor of immediate withdrawal but too afraid to even cast a vote recording for posterity these convictions. And the drift from American values to the party of Mr. Kerry and Michael Moore has been matched by its shrinking base.

In fact, it got so warm in the Capitol Building that people were standing behind Democrats just to catch the breeze from all the backpedaling.

Paul at Powerline adds:

...most elected Democrats fall into one of two categories -- those who don't wish to wage an agressive war against Islamofascist terrorists but vote for war anyway, and those who don't wish to wage such a war and who vote their conscience. The patriotism of the second group should not be questioned. But what are we to make of those who voted for a war they didn't believe in for the purpose of promoting their political career, and then, when the going gets tough, refuse to take responsibility for their vote?

What, indeed?

NY Sun, John O'Neill Op-Ed: Summer Soldiers


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