Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jan Wenner's US Magazine launches another attack on Palin
Wenner, publisher of the well-nigh unreadable Rolling Stone Magazine and the questionable Men's Journal (If you like oiled-up dudes' bodies, Men's Journal could be for you, not that there's anything wrong with that), offers another highbrow publication in the form of US Magazine.
Its current cover story on Sara Palin is entitled Babies, Lies and Scandal and could be one of the most hilariously one-sided "stories" of all time. If it's not a satirical look at the mainstream media, it very well could be.
While the title of the story mentions "lies", there are no lies described within the story.
When the story mentions Palin's husband's DWI (driving-while-under-influence) charge, it somehow neglects to mention that it occurred in 1986. Otherwise known as the era in which Barack Obama admitted smoking weed and doing "a little blow."
The story was so pathetic that its author, Bradley Jacobs, stumbled badly when interviewed on Fox News. Megan Kelly shredded Jacobs, who was reduced to a quivering and stuttering invertebrate.
Even the story's URI (slug) has a spin: sarah-palin-very-difficult-to-work-with.
Continuing with its attack today, the "magazine" has a poll that asks "Will Sara Palin's daughter's pregnancy affect your vote?"
The American people have spoken. At the present, 91% of Americans are answering "No".
With that, Wenner, I recommend you pour yourself a big, tall glass of Shut-Up Juice.
Oh, and enjoy your thousands of subscription cancellations while you're drinking it.
Update: Jammie Wearing Fool has the perfect cartoon for Wenner. Linked by: The Anchoress and Wizbang. Thanks!
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4:14 PM
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