I've arrivitated at a substantial list of reasons I'm endorsiating Barack Obama. After serious contemplatious ruminitation, I've come to the irrefutile conclusion that it just makes sense.
Because energy prices must increase now to force a quick transition to environmentally friendly technologies:
The accompanying map depicts "The No Zone." This is the region surrounding the United States where Democrats have blocked oil exploration for decades.
Democrats oppose drilling in deepwater, even though Hurricanes Katrina and Rita proved that modern offshore drilling platforms pose virtually no pollution risk. Democrats oppose exploration in a tiny, postage-stamp sized region of Alaska. As for new refineries or nuclear energy, well, the Democrats oppose those, too. The net result of Democratic behavior is that America will become increasingly dependent on foreign oil. While alternative energy sources remain an admirable goal, they are decades away from becoming serious alternatives to oil.
Because trial lawyers need more money and power:
...Biden is one of the tort bar's staunchest allies in Congress, blocking reform at every opportunity while trying to defeat conservative judicial nominees. His quid pro quo with SimmonsCooper in Delaware helps explain why asbestos suits continue to weigh down the courts even after tens of thousands of cases have been shown to be invented. The "change" lawyers will believe in if Mr. Biden makes it to the White House is cold, hard cash...
Because Fannie Mae is an outstanding success story that has helped promote home ownership:
Among the groups denouncing the [Bush] proposal [to strengthen oversight of Fannie and Freddie] today were ...Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.
”These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.” ...Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.
Because our nation's borders are antiquated remnants of an elitist society and must be erased:
In case you thought there was some limit to how blatantly Democrats would betray their own country, this was passed out at the pro–illegal immigration rally in Dallas yesterday...
...The less than subtle suggestion that Texas belongs to Mexico is sure to win hearts among the MEChA set, which holds that the Southwest should be wrested away from the Gringo through massive immigration followed by ethnic cleansing.
Because the American manufacturing sector is too strong and must be weakened:
Our politicians are lucky that most Americans are too busy to follow their antics, because voters would surely howl over Nancy Pelosi's trade priorities this week... the same "fair trade" crowd that bemoans the U.S. trade deficit wants to have only one-way free trade with Latin America -- free for them to sell to us, but not for us to sell to them. Has anyone told the UAW about all those Caterpillar machinery exports to Colombia that Democrats are blocking?
Because Americans need to pour a trillion dollars into another corrupt and certain-to-fail United Nations program:
[Obama's Global Poverty Act bill] efers directly to a United Nations declaration called the Millenium Development Goal, which calls "for a 'redistribution (of) wealth and land,' cancellation of 'the debts of developing countries' and 'a fair distribution of the earth's resources.'"
It effects a "tax on the rental value of land and natural resources," a "royalty on worldwide fossil energy production - oil, natural gas, coal," "fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on foreign exchange transactions, and a tax on the carbon content of fuels."
Because our intelligence services need to concentrate on
With the introduction of a new "Intelligence Authorization bill", Democrats intend to divert funds from national security intelligence efforts in order to consider "the effects that climate change has on national security." In other words, Democrats view global warming as a threat that justifies stripping funds away from fighting terrorism.
Also see: LGF: Video - I'm Voting Democrat because... and Frivolous vs. Magnanimous.
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