Saturday, August 16, 2008

Re-applying the Democratic energy plan...

Don Surber:

Blood shortage? We cannot donate our way out of this problem.

Accident victims will just have to cut back on their use of blood. They have to break their addiction to blood.

People starving in Africa? We cannot feed our way out of this problem. They’ll just have to cut back on their use of food. They’ll have to break their addiction to food.

Baby crying at 3 a.m.? We cannot nurse our way out of this problem. He’ll just have to cut back on his use of milk. He’ll have to break his addiction to milk.

Asthmatics short of breath? We cannot breathe our way out of this problem. They’ll just have to cut back on their use of air. They’ll have to break their addiction to air.

Oil isn't a luxury:

If we lost all oil and gas products tomorrow, however, the world would simply collapse. There would be an immense depression beyond anything we saw in the 1930s -- the economy would go back to a primitive state. There would simply not be a functioning society. It would be as if there had been nuclear war, minus the casualties from blast and radiation.

In a word, we cannot as a modern society or even a modestly industrial society live without oil and gas. That is, we do not supply a luxury or a narcotic. We supply a basic necessity of life, as basic as almost any commodity there is.

Until wind- and solar-cars are mass-produced by GoreCo, oil is among our basic fabrics enabling modern society to function.

Democrats resist this notion at their peril.


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